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Legal help for employees seeking a class action lawsuit

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2016 | Employment Disputes

Workers in Michigan can face issues on the job, regardless of the industry in which they work. There can be contract disputes, breaches of contract, poor treatment of workers, and workplace safety violations, and they can occur in blue collar and white collar jobs. Those employees who believe they have been mistreated as a group should carefully consider the possibility of filing a class action lawsuit.

There are an almost endless number of justifications for a group to consider filing a class action case. What they may not understand is how beneficial it can be to move forward as a group rather than as an individual. With economic hardship a fundamental part of the world today, employees might have to deal with being laid off, their retirement funds being pulled from, and losing their health or retirement benefits. For some workers, the benefits were the reason that they took a job in the first place, making it even more difficult if they face employment disputes and wrongful termination.

Often, a contract is the key to determining whether or not a class action filing is the way to go and if it has a viable chance of success. Some examples of when a class action lawsuit can be filed include: racial undertones in how workforce reduction is handled; commissions being denied; people downsized disproportionately due to their religious beliefs; a workforce that was supposed to receive tips, overtime, and minimum wage but did not; and money being withheld without justification.

Employees who think they, as a group, were not being treated as they were required to under the terms of a contract or in compliance with the law might have the basis to file a class action case. Contacting a legal professional with extensive experience in employment law can provide guidance in taking the next step toward litigation, and set the stage for a fight for the compensation the class deserves.

