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Michigan workplace discrimination lawsuit involves brewery

On Behalf of | Dec 24, 2019 | Workplace Discrimination

Gender equality has come a long way in American workplaces in the last few decades, but some people still feel like their voices are not being heard. There are still many incidents of inequities in pay, treatment and access to opportunities for advancement reported each year.

Michigan and the federal government also both insist on an absence of prejudice against lesbian, gay, transgender and other people with nonbinary identities. A former worker in a brewery in Michigan is suing his previous employer after his dismissal. He claims he was illegally asked to change his appearance at work, as well as requested to hide the nature of his relationship with his homosexual partner.

The plaintiff in the case claims that he was told to make his appearance more stereotypically masculine to match the brand identity of the beermaker. He was apparently asked to remove piercings, style his hair differently and change his status on a social media site.

The man was promoted when he complied with these requests, but the restrictions caused personal problems and he asked his superior to make a change. After this event, he claims his work activities were scrutinized and his superior abruptly recommended his dismissal.

Sometimes, behavior and rules at work can seem over the line when it comes to gender and personal identity issues. An attorney can help counsel employees and former employees who may have a case for damages based on workplace discrimination. No one should have to deal with problems at work alone, and legal representation may help bring about the best possible conclusion.

