Most Michigan workers understand that employment-related disputes can severely affect a person’s career prospects if the disputes are not handled appropriately and at the right time. This rule holds true for employees in every type of job, but probably the most affected types of employees are sales employees in businesses. They often fall victim to several discrimination practices used by their managers and employers.
One common employment dispute concerns nonpayment of sales commissions. This usually happens when a manager or the employer resents a high-performing employee, often because the sales employee performs beyond expectations or better than his or her supervisor. As a result, the manager withholds the commissions due the sales employee in order to project the idea that the sales employee’s performance is actually not as good as it really is. For these salespeople, the Michigan Sales Representative Act may provide some legal recourse.
Another area of employment-related disputes between sales employees and their managers or employers is sudden and unjustifiable territory realignments. These territory realignments can severely affect a sales representative’s performance. In many cases, a manager is actually showing favoritism toward another employee in making these realignments. Other reasons for territory realignment include discrimination on the grounds of age, gender, religion, sexual orientation and national origin. Fortunately, Michigan laws address these issues and establish pathways for those who need remedies.
Whenever a sales representative’s career prospects are severely affected, he or she has the right to address the issue through legal action if his or her performance dips because of discriminatory practices on the part of management. No one should be falsely labeled as a poor performer or have his or her career sabotaged by others inside or outside an organization. Remedies are available for resolving such employment disputes and an employee who faces such discrimination would be wise to pursue legal action.