Being Passed Over for a Promotion Due to Discrimination Is Illegal. We Can Help.
The term “glass ceiling” describes a barrier to advancement in employment based on discrimination, especially gender discrimination. Unfortunately, the “old boys club” mentality still exists in corporate America to thwart a talented woman’s advance within a company. These days, the glass ceiling effect is more subtle than in the past. Women may find themselves so humiliated, segregated and frustrated that they quit. Our lawyers handle glass ceiling/failure to promote claims in Detroit and throughout Michigan.
Before you resign, consult with one of our experienced employment discrimination attorneys. Call Sterling Employment Law at 248-633-8916. We will listen to your case, gather facts and evidence, and aggressively represent you.
The Glass Ceiling Can Be Low for Female Executives
Glass ceiling discrimination tends to be indirect in executive offices. Examples of glass ceiling claims include:
- Excluding or isolating a woman from meetings
- Gradually changing job duties
- Reassigning a man to a woman’s tasks
- Being transferred or having an unexplained territory realignment
- Never being promoted despite exceptional job performance
- Being exposed to subtle degrading comments
- Being assigned stereotypical female job duties
What Is Constructive Discharge?
If an employer creates intolerable working conditions in an attempt to force you to quit, you may have a constructive discharge claim. Constructive discharge typically happens when an intolerable change takes place – one that would cause any reasonable employee to quit under the same conditions. Additionally, if you resigned because of sex discrimination or sexual harassment, you may have a constructive discharge claim.
Need Answers? Contact Our Lawyers.
If you have questions about any type of workplace discrimination, contact us online or call us at 248-633-8916. Our offices are located near Detroit in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.