Protecting You And Your Business

Employers Cannot Discriminate Based on Gender

The terms “sex discrimination,” “gender discrimination” and “sexual harassment” encompass a wide variety of case types. Though we would like to think that discrimination in the workplace is a thing of the past, unfortunately, it still happens every day. At Sterling Employment Law, our Detroit gender and sex discrimination claim lawyers stand up for victims of discrimination and harassment in Michigan.

If you believe you were discriminated against by your employer on the basis of gender or sexual preference or you were a victim of sexual harassment, call Sterling Employment Law at 248-633-8916.

Sex (Gender) and Pregnancy Discrimination

If a woman or man is treated less favorably in the workplace because of his or her sex or sexual preference, there may be a valid discrimination claim. For example:

  • A manager or supervisor berates an employee or group of employees based on gender or sexual preference.
  • Women or men are singled out and subjected to performance improvement plans (PIPs) or unreasonable PIPs.
  • A woman is treated fairly until she becomes pregnant, then she is harassed, fired or demoted.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Is Illegal, Yet Common

Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace is still a very real occurrence. If a man pressures a woman (or vice versa) to provide sexual favors in exchange for a promotion, increased pay or other benefits, it is considered sexual harassment.

Inappropriate jokes, emails, comments, innuendo or physical contact can create a hostile work environment that should not be tolerated. Additionally, an employee cannot be fired, demoted or harassed for ending a consensual relationship with another employee or superior.

Contact Our Lawyers to Learn More About Your Legal Options

If you wish to meet with one of our attorneys in a private consultation, call Sterling Employment Law at 248-633-8916 or contact us online.