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Lacrosse coach complains of breach of employment contract

On Behalf of | Sep 3, 2014 | Employment Contracts

Michigan residents are aware that it is very important for an employee to read the employment contract clauses before accepting or declining a job offer. After an employee has signed on the dotted line, the employee will not be able to renegotiate benefits, job roles, compensation or even the terms of severance with the employer.

In a recent incident, a lacrosse coach of a high school was fired, and his supporters insist that the firing was unjust. The school trustees have now assured these supporters that they would look into the incident. The parents and friends have protested the coach’s termination and board members have promised to reconsider it.

The coach, who was also looked upon as a mentor, said that his termination referred to certain administrative duties cited in his employment contract. His service was recommended by a third-party contractual company. If a contractual employee is not performing well then the athletic department will notify that person. All HR matters are handled by the employer, which in this case was the third-party company and not the school board.

Supporters claim that no proper notice was given to the teacher. The protesters claim that there were not enough reasons for the teacher’s termination. The lacrosse coach said that he found out about his termination through an e-mail and that he was not given the opportunity to defend himself against the allegations. He was also not allowed to meet the school administrators to plead his case.

The coach also said that his record was outstanding even though there were no performance reviews for the last two years. Under his tenure, many students received recognition for their endeavors on the field.

This case is unusual: normally the supervising authority will not reconsider a discharge. People who have experienced termination can meet with a wrongful discharge attorney to review their options.

Source:, “Parents, players rally behind fired South Lyon lacrosse coach,” Accessed on Aug. 26, 2014

