Why is “blowing the whistle” about corruption so important? Any time companies, employees or supervisors engage in illegal activity, it harms the economy. This is just as true in the Detroit region of Michigan as it is in New York City. Unfortunately, there is a stigma attached to whistleblowers that may make other people afraid to come forward. The risk of retaliation in the workplace is also a deterring factor for would-be whistleblowers.
Below are three myths associated with blowing the whistle as well as information to debunk the myths. Hopefully, more people will come forward to report corruption after learning how blowing the whistle really works.
Myth: Whistleblowers only want revenge.
Fact: A survey conducted by the Ethics Resource Center revealed that nearly 100 percent of whistleblowers reported illegal activity because they felt it was the right thing to do.
Myth: Whistleblowers are only interested in collecting a reward.
Fact: Data shows that most whistleblowers choose to take action within the company, which means no reward. Further, many whistleblowers only went on to report outside of the company if no internal remedy was enforced.
Myth: Whistleblowers are a threat to the economy.
Fact: Those who blow the whistle are actually performing a valuable public service in the interest of honesty and fair business practices.
You should also know that the government is committed to protecting whistleblowers from retaliation, wrongful termination and other unlawful actions. Starting a whistleblower claim is a scary prospect, but with the right attorney on your side, you can choose to report unethical activities without fear of revenge. Speak with an attorney if you would like to learn more about retaliation or whistleblower claims.
Source: AIS Health, “Five Myths About Whistleblowers That ‘Undermine’ Compliance,” Nina Youngstrom, accessed Feb. 17, 2017