Protecting You And Your Business

Recent discrimination suit shows why fast action is necessary

On Behalf of | Oct 22, 2019 | Workplace Discrimination

If you have ever been a victim of workplace harassment, you probably waited a long time before you even considered legal action. Many people hesitate because they hope the behavior will stop on its own. Another reason for hesitation is because victims might not be completely certain that discrimination is occurring.

A recent news report reveals why swift action is necessary to find a satisfactory legal remedy. A former police officer with the Warren, Michigan, police department is attempting to sue the city and several individuals for workplace discrimination. The ex-cop claims that the city “discriminated against her and abused and harassed her” because she is a woman and an African-American. She also alleges the following:

  • The city failed to provide proper diversity training, which resulted in a “racially and sexually” hostile work environment.
  • The police department consistently violated her rights by failing to assign her with “adequate backup” when she was on duty.
  • The department discriminated against her by handing down poor performance reviews and questioning her competence as a female cop.

The workplace discrimination victim’s efforts to find a remedy were hampered by the statute of limitations. A judge has recently ruled that some portions of the victim’s case could move forward. These portions include her race and gender discrimination complaints as well as her assertion that the city allowed a hostile work environment.

Some of the evidence that could strengthen her case cannot be included in the lawsuit because of ongoing issues involving the statute of limitations. This highlights the importance of taking legal action as early as possible. When you take your evidence to an attorney early on, you will have time to make certain a court will see and hear all of your evidence. This can make a huge difference in the outcome of your workplace discrimination claim.

